Our Volunteers helped Wounded Nature-Working Veterans make a real environmental difference. Just under fifty folks, and a very determined troop of Boy Scouts (Troop 20, Mount Pleasant), came out to get dirty and sweaty while cleaning Hog Island marsh.
The last official weekend of summer did not disappoint as the heat and humidity were high. We ended the cleanup a bit earlier than expected out of concern for health impacts. The treated lumber soaked in water for years was REALLY heavy and took a lot of effort to move.
The golf course at Patriot’s Point provided excellent support for our efforts, even letting us borrow a couple of Carry-All golf carts to haul the larger debris up the hill to the dumpster (also donated!)
The “Most Interesting Find” was a SeaDoo engine cowl and that won a stuffed sea turtle as a prize.
The kids and scouts found over 1,000 golf balls and hauled them out! In case you’re wondering, there are plenty more out there between holes 17 and 18 and the waterline. If you want some free golf balls, go get dirty and pull ’em out. Just stay off the golf course, please.
We will be back, Hog Island marsh is very large and acts as a natural debris catch point. There is also an abandoned sailboat out there to remove, but all in due time.
Thanks to the Volunteers and Troop 20, Mount Pleasant, BSA, for your hard work! And thanks to Patriot’s Point golf course for your support!